“I Am Thankful for” place cards are a simple way to share with family and friends the things you’re grateful for this year. Free printable thankful for cards make a beautiful place card and a thoughtful Thanksgiving activity.

A thanksgiving dining table with a printable card that reads "I am thankful for"
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Since 2011, I have been sharing our I Am Thankful For cards. Each year I mix up the style a little bit, but the sentiment and purpose is the same – to take a moment with family and friends to share what we’re thankful for.

A little card rests as each place setting serving as an activity guests can do while the hostess puts the finishing touches on Thanksgiving dinner. When dinner concludes, each guest can read their card aloud. I collect them at the end of the evening so we can revisit them years later.

They’re a special way to take a moment and reflect on the year. They make a great ice breaker, place card and are fun to revisit years later!

A thanksgiving dining table with a printable card that reads "I am thankful for"

Free Printable Gratitude Cards

There are three different cards from years past – feel free to download and use however you’d like! They are a simple little gift to the world, because I am grateful for you!

What You’ll Need to Print:

  • A wireless home printer (any printer will work after you download the free printable cards!)
  • White Cardstock
  • A steady hand with scissors (to cut each printable sheet in half) or a Paper Cutter.

How to Make Thankful For Cards

  1. First, download the file of your choosing.
  2. Print at home using basic or textured card stock.
  3. Cut, fold and place at your Thanksgiving Table Setting for a gorgeous table accent.


  • Place pens on the table so guests can write as you’re finishing dinner prep, or even while they wait between courses.
  • Print extras for mishaps and extra grateful guests.
  • Use the cards as an icebreaker or a personalized gift. Have each guest write things they are grateful for about the guest beside them, instead of a general statement!
A thanksgiving dining table with a printable card that reads "I am thankful for"

Creating a Gratitude List: Things to Be Grateful For

Need a few ideas or some inspiration for answering this card? These items can be fun, serious, hilarious, and sad. There’s nothing too deep or too shallow when it comes to making a gratitude list!

Here’s some great ideas to get you started.

  1. Family
  2. Good Friends
  3. Good Health
  4. Pets
  5. Sunshine
  6. Faith
  7. This Thanksgiving Meal
  8. Time
  9. Your Garden
  10. Your Yard – to host an outdoor movie.
  11. The Internet
  12. Funny Memes
  13. Books
  14. Fireplace
  15. Warm Blankets
  16. Fulfilling Work
  17. Margaritas – yes, it’s true. Tequila, too.
  18. Cookies
  19. Pasta
  20. Water – for drinking, for swimming, for boating and more.
  21. Nature
  22. Travel – one day we will do this again, right?
  23. School
  24. Music – get my favorite Thanksgiving Playlist
  25. Sports
  26. A Warm Bed
  27. Deliveries – food, packages… anything!
  28. Peace and Quiet – simply precious
  29. Naps
  30. Fresh Flowers
  31. Hot Chocolate
  32. Weekends
  33. Books
  34. Laughter
  35. Phones – to keep us in touch
  36. Kindness
  37. Art – get 20 of the Best DIY Art Ideas
  38. Sunsets

Practicing Gratitude

I Am Thankful cards are an annual tradition that results in so much laughter, and yes… and often tears.

While I often think we need thankful notebooks, miniature cards give us the opportunity to prioritize what is most important to us at the moment, or over a lifetime.

The simple act of practicing gratitude can be quite profound. It can have a positive impact on our daily mindset and it’s an important way to remind ourselves that while things can be difficult, we still have so much to be thankful for!

I’ve written about our journey towards a minimalist mindset and how to live a simple life. Both of those things are easier to accomplish with a little gratitude for the things we have on a daily basis, instead of worrying about the things we don’t.

It’s not always easy to remember to be grateful, especially on the really hard days. But it can make such a difference, and it’s especially important at Thanksgiving, the holiday where we focus on the simple act of gratitude!

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness —it’s right in front of me if i’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.”

Brené Brown

More Free Thanksgiving Printables

A thanksgiving dining table with a printable card that reads "I am thankful for"
A thanksgiving dining table with a printable card that reads "I am thankful for"

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