Free printables, favorite calligraphy resources & tips to learn calligraphy left handed
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I really enjoyed learning calligraphy, & from the response I received, it appears you all did too! By special request, I’m sharing how to learn calligraphy if you’re left handed. I have a special place in my heart for those who are left handed. Chris is left handed & it’s the first thing I think about when I sit at a table – which side to sit on so that he can eat comfortably. In a world where many are right-handed, I’m happy to make small accommodations for those of you who are talented enough to use the opposite hand. I struggle to scribble with my left!

Left Handed Calligraphy:

The majority of the “rules” in calligraphy apply regardless if you’re left handed or right handed. However, there are a few minor things that will make learning calligraphy easier.

First, you’ll want to use a straight pen. If you’ll recall, I discussed the differences between straight & oblique pens.

Rotate your paper clockwise 20 degrees.

Determine if you’re a curler. Curlers curve their hand around the pen, non-curlers don’t bend their wrist.

Remember, practice makes perfect.

Know that you too can learn the art of calligraphy! Nicole Black, The Left Handed Calligrapher, has mastered the craft.

Additional resources:

Free printable calligraphy worksheets – there are an abundance of lessons, including flourishing!

Calligraphy resources on Pinterest – my collection of favorite printables, supplies, etc.

Need a little more guidance? Melissa Esplin of I Still Love Calligraphy, offers online courses.

The uppercase alphabet! Once only for subscribers, I’m offering it to all today. Click here for your free printable calligraphy alphabet. Other printables are available in the calligraphy series. *Please link back or pin directly from this post rather than the printable. Thanks in advance for your kindness.

The series, in order:

How to Learn Calligraphy

Getting Started

Back to Basics

The Calligraphy Alphabet

Practice Words

Practice Makes Perfect

Calligraphy Resources & Left Handed Calligraphy

Minuscules & Numerals

Calligraphy is an art form. It takes lots of practice. I look forward to dedicating more time to calligraphy this fall & exploring new fonts. Have you been enjoying the series? I’d love to hear! Keep in touch – have more inspiring entertaining ideas delivered to your inbox 3 times a week!

*special thanks to Madi Reid Sanders for penning my beautiful business card  & Paper Crane Photography for photographing them!

More Calligraphy Inspiration

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  1. Hey there. THANK you for all of your helpful tips. These are so great. I have played around with calligraphy for a while now, but have had a LOT of problems with finding the right pens and nibs. Do you have suggestion of pens, nibs and storage for all of your tools?

    THANK YOU!!!!

    1. There’s a website I’ve had great success with – I cannot recall the name off hand, but it’s on the supply post. Enjoy!

    1. Unfortunately that was an outside resource 🙁 I’ve removed the link. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I hope you’re enjoying the series.

  2. Hello,

    Your website is lovely! However, there is no info on how to hold the pen. Is it supposed to be angled, always held flat, twisted as you write?

    Any info will help!

    Thank you,
