Learning Calligraphy Minuscules & Numerals
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From the comments & emails I receive on the How to Learn Calligraphy series, I can tell you’re excited. I am particularly excited to share today’s printable in the calligraphy series – minuscules & numerals! I partnered with Shannan of Paperglaze Calligraphy to continue the series. I know that there is a more technical name for the font, but I love the wispiness of her modern calligraphy. Her lettering styles are so inspiring! Once you perfect a lettering style, it’s fun to learn a new one, which is exactly what you will be doing today!

Just a few reminders as we move forward with learning a new lettering style:

Don’t be afraid to go back. For your convenience here is the series, in order:

It’s okay to pick up your pen.

Practice a minimum of 15 -20 minutes a month or an hour + a lesson.

Subscribers received this printable as a surprise a couple weeks ago, but I’m making it available to everyone today! Click here to print the minuscules & numerals exemplar courtesy of Paperglaze Calligraphy. As always, PLEASE link back to the original post & not the printable itself. Doing so will just encourage us to share more 🙂

Check Out My Other Calligraphy Posts:

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  1. Jullie, I too am new to your sight and have attempted to download the grid ..however it only downloads in the smallest of size. I suspect I’m doing something wrong. I have signed up and can’t wait for newsletters and to get started learning calligraphy. Thanks

    1. I’m sorry…I bet you have your printer settings to print at x%. You can start following the course from the beginning here.

  2. I was just thinking about learning calligraphy and here popped up your blog post. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I stumbled upon this site and it inspires me to do lettering and styles. I had studied this when I was in high school and using speedballs and didn’t give any interest on it. I had never thought that it would be my recent interest.

    Thanks for the inspiration. I have started mine.

  4. LOVE this series! I’ve been looking everywhere for easily accessible calligraphy for beginners and stumbled across this. Love all the printable and other resources. Can’t wait to get started!! Thank you!

    1. Trying to get the lesson on minis cults an numerals. I’m new here and can’t figure things out yet plus I’m kind of a slow learner. Thanks for any help you can give me Vic

  5. Only the link to the ‘miniscules and numerals’ brings me to a pdf that can be printed and downloaded. The other links to the practice pages only bring me to photographs. Am I doing something wrong? I realize it has been quite some time since you originally posted these blogs entries. Thank you!