\"How to learn calligraphy in five days\" written on a piece of paper with a vase of flowers next to it.

To say that I’m excited is an understatement. I’m overjoyed to take you on this journey of learning calligraphy with me. Over the course of the next 6 weeks, I’ll be sharing everything you need to know to learn calligraphy including step by step instructions, practice sheets & more. I, along with calligrapher Madi Sanders, have designed this to teach you calligraphy in 5 “days.” Today, we’re going to get you started with the basics, so you’ll have plenty of time to purchase supplies & start Day 1!

A vase of flowers on a table with a calligraphy pen and ink next to it.

Recommended Supplies:

Zebra G Nib {firm, great for beginners}

Straight pen {I purchased an oblique & immediately felt overwhelmed. The choice is up to you, but whatever you learn with should be what you continue to use for sake of ease.}

Tracing paper

Practice grid

Black ink {I use Higgins Eternal Black Ink}

Paper in varying weights

Most of these items should be available locally, but are easiest to locate online. I receive numerous emails about where to purchase supplies. While you can find them at numerous stores, this is one I have used.

Let’s do this! To get started, insert the nib.

A calligraphy pen being assembled.

A calligraphy pen being assembled.

Dip the pen in ink.

A calligraphy pen being dipped into ink.

You don’t want to see the hole after you dip. The first time may take a little more. When you fill the hole, remove the excess ink on the nib on the side of the ink jar. Notice that Madi stabilizes her jar with a roll of washi tape. Genius, right? Don’t forget to print your practice grids!

Next week you’ll learn the strokes, how to create varying widths & loops! Everything you need to learn calligraphy is within these posts, but you can subscribe here to receive a bonus practice sheet {goes out once a month}!

PIN the tutorial for later here:A vase of flowers on a table with a calligraphy pen and ink next to it, as well as someone practicing calligraphy.

The series, in order:

How to Learn Calligraphy

Getting Started

Back to Basics

The Calligraphy Alphabet

Practice Words

Practice Makes Perfect

Calligraphy Resources & Left Handed Calligraphy

Minuscules & Numerals

You may also like my online flower arranging workshop filled to the brim with beautiful centerpiece ideas you can recreate with step-by-step instructions.


flowers Emmy-Ray, photography Wheat Photo, calligraphy instructor Madi Sanders [show_shopthepost_widget id=”1746039″]


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  1. Hi Julie,
    I can’t believe I found your site that teaches caligraphy for no cost.
    I am ordering supplies on line and will be ready next week. I have wanted
    to learn for about 50 years!!! Finally, I will! Thanks! I look forward to following
    your emails and blog. Happy New Year to you and everyone using this site!!

  2. Greetings Julie!

    I truly hope this message finds you well and that your Christmas was Merry and Bright! I am so excited to begin your Calligraphy Series but am having a bit of a challenge finding local supplies. My local art supply carries Speedball and Hunt products and I was wondering if there is a comparable nib to the Zebra G in the Speedball or Hunt line. Could you please advise me on the best alternate or whether I should simply purchase the G nib in the Zebra line online from PIA.com? Thanks bunches and Happy New Year!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi Kate!

    Hope your Christmas was Merry and Bright!! I was wondering if you have a recommendation for a “strong alternative” to a Zebra G nib. My local art store only carries Speedball and Hunt nib and I was wondering what nib number(s) could be compariables to G in the other brands. I am excited to being and look forward to your response!! Also, regarding the PRACTICE SHEETS, what size should they be when they are printed?? 11″ x 17″?? 8.5″ x 11″?? or does it matter? ๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

  4. Hi! I just got the supplies to begin learning calligraphy and took your advice from this series. I purchased the Zebra G-nibs and a Speedball pen holder. The nibs do not seem to fit the holder, however. They easily slide in and out with no resistance. I have searched high and low on the internet and can’t find any resources as to what holder fits these nibs. My holder is a Speedball “B” pen holder, and it lists appropriate nibs to use on the packaging (A, B, C, 22B, 56, and so on) but no G. I’m quite confused with all the numbers and letters and would like to know what specific holders will fit these nibs. Thanks!