Dream walk-in closet transformation

It seems every time I’m on Pinterest, I see some dreamy photo that feels anything but attainable. I’m always thinking “that’s gorgeous, but I don’t have the space” or “if I only I were a millionaire, I’d have funds for a living room like that.” But let’s be honest, we all love to dream, don’t we? One night earlier this year, I was gazing through images on Pinterest & looked over at Chris & asked how crazy it would be to add a closet system to our little walk-in closet. Okay, step in. Given our impending move, I just knew his answer would be “crazy.” However, like so many times before, he pleasantly surprised me! I started plotting, planning & pinning beautiful walk-ins – most on a significantly larger scale. I thought about our current storage issues, like shelving so high if I attempt to reach something on it, it will all come tumbling down, & shoes lined up on the floor that result in just being tossed in rather than lined up beautifully. Chris didn’t have anywhere for things like his ties & belts – an essential for most men. Then on a whim, we started! If you promise not to judge, I’ll show you the before. Promise?

before closet makeover

We measured the height, width & depth before making a trip to Lowe’s to purchase Allen & Roth systems. We were so anxious to get started that we immediately began ripping out the existing shelves & pulls. Sometimes the tear out feels just as good as the finished project! Out with the old, in with the new. We assembled one side during the girls’ Saturday nap & the other during their Sunday nap thanks to incredible step-by-step instructions. We hung them, added the poles, shelves & bases & painted before I got to do what every girl loves to do – shop & accessorize!

beautiful walk-in closet

This is where all of the pretty inspiration came in. Our house is neutral & subdued. This makeover was my chance to add a little glam to our home. I fell in love with an oversized frameless beveled mirror that fit my aesthetic, but it didn’t fit the space. I couldn’t consume 18″ of space with an easel. Chris once again made my dream a reality & was able to hang it. I couldn’t quite convince him of the chandelier, though. If I couldn’t have a large closet, at least I could have a big, beautiful chandelier, right? I do & I love it. The chandelier balances the space & adds a lot of much needed light, making it feel larger along with the mirror.

gorgeous etched glass & crystal chandelier in a walk-in closet

A closet system is great for organization & can make all of your necessities accessible

For convenient storage, I used an empty wood cigar box to hold Chris’ keepsakes & cufflinks. After the makeover, I realized we had gained a lot of space & could actually add items to it like his cologne.

A wood cigar box is a stylish way to hold men's accessories & jewelry

A baseball glove, given to Chris by his dad, is the perfect “catch” all for his watch, bracelets & wedding ring.

Family heirlooms - even old baseball gloves style a man's closet with functionality

Pretty walk in closet

That chandelier! It still has my heart. On my top shelf, I added a couple of fashion & styling books {Twiggy, a Life in Photographs} to rest a pair of shoes on, along with my clutch.

"Live life beautifully" beauty quote in calligraphy

I love starting my day with a positive thought, so I had Madi Sanders, pen “live life beautifully” as a reminder how I want to live every day. Paired with a pretty pink peony {nothing adds more to a space than fresh flowers from your garden} & a great space to store my glasses when I’m not wearing them.

Gorgeous walk-in closet created with diy closets systems

To create this closet, we used:

2 Allen + Roth 8′ kits

1 Allen + Roth shelf

2 Allen + Roth expandable poles

2 Allen + Roth bases

With the addition of a do-it-yourself closet system & gorgeous accessories, this messy step-in closet was transformed into a pretty walk-in closet. Get the easy & inexpensive diy details!

I should have warned you, this is a very image heavy post. I hope you don’t mind…I just couldn’t resist!

how to create a walk in closet

how to style a man's closet

create your dream closet, adding light, space, function & beauty


I’ve received a lot of emails about this chandelier. It’s Style Selections clear pendant light with clear shade. It’s gorgeous cut glass, available at Lowe’s.


I did it! I attained the Pinterest dream of a pretty walk-in. We also gained an additional 1′ by positioning our poles to the correct depth for our clothes, making it the desired walk-in versus the original step-in feel. Chris & I each customized our sides utilizing our clothes to determine rod heights & we added a shelf to his side for his denim. Yes, I’m in love.


I think the master closet makeover made our master bedroom into an complete ensuite. I’m happy, elated, ecstatic, & over-the-moon.

beautiful walk-in closet

Disclaimer: The product in this post was provided by Lowe’s. As always, all ideas & opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible! You can find Lowes on Twitter @Lowes & on Instagram @loweshomeimprovement


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  1. I am remodeling and I am hoping that a 4×8 space would work for this… but every single blog I find for ‘small walk in’ does not give dimensions… what is considered small?? What size is this??

    My husband does not think that 4×8 is big enough but I don’t think I want to make it much bigger because we have a small house and it will ‘eat’ into our master bath if we make it bigger… still planning but need to commit to something quick!!

    Thank you!

    1. I believe this was closer to 6 x 8, but you can make it work at any size. Decide which walls would be best to install units to maximize the space. It’s amazing how much larger they made it feel! I hope that helps!

  2. Just purchased the chandelier for 75% off at Lowe’s today! Saw you post a year ago but waited until this January to buy the closet systems (since they run the 20% sale then) Cannot wait to see the final product once the chandelier is installed!