This is the best recipe for pink champagne cupcakes! With the prettiest pink color and bubbly sweet champagne flavor, they are perfect for special occasions.
Add vegetable oil, egg whites and red food coloring until combined. Don't over-mix.
⅓ cup vegetable oil, 3 egg whites, 3-5 drops red food coloring
Pour batter directly into bundt or muffin tins just over half full.
Bake 10 minutes. Remove, allow to cool and trim any excess off with a cake knife. Flip onto a wired rack stacked over an easily cleanable surface.
Combine glaze ingredients and microwave until pourable. Pour in a circular motion to cover most of your cupcakes - it's easiest to do this while they are on a wire rack, to allow the glaze to run off. Allow to solidify a few minutes.
3 cup powdered sugar, ¼ cup milk, 2 tablespoons pink champagne
Combine icing ingredients. Put into an icing bag with your favorite tip or cut the corner of a ziplock bag to insert your tip. Pipe onto your cupcakes.
½ cup butter, 4 cup powdered sugar, ¼ cup pink champagne, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2-3 drops red food coloring
Refrigerate before serving.
This recipe is written for miniature cupcakes, as pictured. If you're doing a traditional sized cupcake, you'll need to bake longer - aim for 17 minutes.
I like to make these pretty cupcakes in a miniature bundt pan. It elevates them for special occasions and it eliminates the need for cupcake liners. You can however bake in muffin or cupcake tins.
Store up to 3 days in an airtight container at room temperature or up to a week refrigerated.
Substitute with sparkling white wine if you prefer.
Champagne Suggestions
Use your favorite rosé! Any bubbles will do... No need to splurge. Brut Nature Extra Brut Brut Demi-Sec – medium dry Doux – sweet You can substitute sparkling wine if you prefer. Prosecco Moscato
Storage Notes
Store up to three days in an airtight container at room temperature or up to a week refrigerated. You can also freeze these cupcakes! Simply store in an airtight container and defrost overnight before serving.